Captivating Your Audience

How to keep your audience sharp

I’ve known Mark for many years and unreservedly recommend this truly gifted individual. His contribution to leaders not only comes from a wealth of insight, experience and knowledge, but with inspiration and understanding through his ability to communicate, which is very unique.

WARREN EVANS | CEO Sports Chaplaincy UK

Information overload and high-intensity entertainment are making it increasingly difficult to hold the attention of an audience. This can mean the talk you’ve spent hours preparing sometimes doesn’t get the response it deserves.

It doesn’t have to be that way! Understanding human nature is essential to good presentation. There are dynamics in both you and your listeners that will enable you to catch and keep their attention, and there are techniques you can employ that will help your message to be remembered – there are ways to keep your audience sharp.

In the session, Captivating Your Audience, Mark Greenwood shares the insights he has gained over nearly thirty years as a public speaker in a wide variety of settings. Mark continually seeks to be a better communicator, believing this is something all those with a speaking ministry should aspire to. He has studied the theory of comedy – how and why humour works – and the mechanics of delivery, and he has put this into practice over many years. Mark’s insights will teach you how to better connect with your audience and leave them wanting to hear more.