
Using the rhythm of the year to reach out to families

Mark has an amazing ability to think and communicate creatively. He has spoken many times at my church, and both my congregation and their guests find him enjoyable and engaging.

JASON HERON | Senior pastor at Elim Church Northampton

There are many fantastic opportunities to hold family-friendly evangelistic services throughout the year. It’s a real shame when we let the years roll by without any proper celebration.

Using the rhythm of the year, our Celebrate events use seasonal festivals to present the gospel through a family-friendly event. The service is fast-moving (lasting a maximum of an hour) and easy to organise. If your budget will stretch, why not have some themed refreshments afterwards?

While these events usually take place on Sundays, they can be adapted for midweek events if that is more convenient. So whether you need a talk for Mother’s Day, harvest or Bonfire Night, Mark has something up his sleeve that is entertaining,on theme and clearly presents the gospel. You don’t have to use the whole service as a family service; you may just decide to give the Sunday nearest the event in question an evangelistic edge. This has been done a number of times and works well.

Mark is happy to host any of these seasonal celebrations as a one-off event, but it may be worth booking several each year so that they link together, providing continuity and keeping the momentum going.

These events are great for building better connections with your community through schools, kids groups, Messy Church, mums and toddlers groups, Alpha groups and so on.

“I’ve really enjoyed coming along to your events. They’ve been fun and not what I thought church was like. I never thought I could learn anything religious from the fireworks code!”

A lady who became a Christian at a Bonfire Night event