Curry, Comedy and Christianity

Curry and laughter with stories from Mark’s curry pilgrimage and a great introduction to the Christian faith

“Mark engaged everyone and even the curry house manager joined in by telling a joke about curry! A great night and the man I took became a believer in Jesus. What could be better than that?”

REV DAVID MCDOUGALL | Senior leader at St Saviour’s Sunbury

There's nothing quite like going out for a curry with friends.

Why not make it an evangelistic event that is suitable for anyone with an interest in the Christian faith? At the Curry, Comedy and Christianity event, Mark chats about his ‘curry pilgrimage’ and the things he has experienced, using these stories to explain why he is a Christian. The evenings are simple in format, involving food and conversation followed by a talk from Mark. The message of Christianity is presented within a very relaxed environment.

These evenings (along with Mark’s other comedy events) are great for people who have never been to church before as they involve plenty of fun with a light dusting of the gospel, enabling those who are invited to find out more by chatting to the friends who brought them.

We have hosted this event in more than 50 Indian restaurants around the UK and will use our experience to ensure that your curry night is tailored well to your church. These evenings have been run within churches, but when this is the case we encourage organisers to order the food from a tried and tested Indian restaurant. Our curry nights have also been used to launch the Alpha course.

You could even tie in your event with National Curry Week, which usually falls in October.

“Saved at a curry night by someone who proves you can walk with Jesus and still be funny and normal. This guy will melt the ice that surrounds new faces and public speaking.”

Doug became a Christian at a Curry, Comedy and Christianity event